Sunday, August 28, 2011

What's going on with me...

Well, I can't believe it's been a month since I last blogged...I've had good times this summer and bad. Train trip with my sister was absolutely wonderful and visiting my Linda out on Whidby Isl. Seeing two Etsy friends. Another high point was our vacation with some of my sibs and Mom...We rented a house at Brant Lake, NY which is near Lake George which is near "Crazy as a Loom's Studio...Soooooo I brought sisters and in-laws to her studio and we bought 3 potholder looms and assorted loopers. And Hilary ended up with two of my dress scarves...The rest of the vacation was spent weaving potholders and sharing the looms...hilarious.

Hilary perusing my wares...

Older brother, Paul wearing his loopers before a turn at weaving.

What an amazing crew! (notice Noah does not have a potholder...guess he sees enough weaving at home)

But about three weeks before the train trip I started having hives. Just "run of the mill" hives. Itchy then not. Moving around...hands, then maybe leg, moving to arm, etc. Sometimes I would break down and take Benedril but the next day I hated being a zombie. I complained to my oncologist. But he didn't think much about it.

But I think something is out of wack.

So now it's been three months and it's totally getting old...I'm tired...I've had a CT scan last month and they didn't find anything. I'm getting another one tomorrow afternoon and hopefully there won't be anything to find again but living like this is hard.

I think I mentioned that we have a pancreatic cancer group here. Well, just got back from visiting Cindy and she is probably not going to last the night. She went downhill so fast and right now she is not conscious. Cancer so sucks. Chris (stage 3) and I just cling to each other.

BUT I am ever hopeful and on the good news side Gary and I are building a barn to take the place of the old one which is huge and falling down. So still making long term plans and determined to think in terms of years. We have to live the life we have not the life we wish we had.



  1. Hi dear Cait! Love seeing the pix and hearing the good stories..and am worried a bit with you about the "other ones".. It's perfect to ber making long term plans, you and Gary..and I'm hoping there is answer that isn't Cancer...Glad you have such good support and especially Chris right now..I know how important that can be...All the not knowing and not feeling good sure does get old. I send lots of xoxo as always..

  2. Oh Ginny, thank you. Cindy died last night and Chris and I are finding it hard. Thank you for all your support--sending big hugs back to you!

  3. Beautiful truthful honest words, Cait. Hooray for a new barn! and for getting to visit with family and Hilary!... I love her stuff and her spunk. You two are talented weavers, glad you met.
    I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend.

  4. Thank you Karen. Glad you are recovering from Irene! It was wonderful meeting Hilary and seeing all her looms! She is a dynamo, that one! And my barn! YES!! xo
