Waiting for the train in Syracuse--Faith got on in Springfield, MA and we were wicked excited!!!

Our tiny, tiny compartment--It was hard to get far enough away to take a picture! Such a good thing we get along!

Chicago station to change train...

Adding more cars in Minot, ND...we were the first train through in 3 weeks due to flooding. It's a good thing we were oblivious to all of this because we were all relaxed and happy!

We were totally treated like first class--flowers in the dining car--just sign your name and eat what you want--already paid for!!!

OK, we woke up to all kinds of water in North Dakota...unbelievable, really and the train was traveling sometimes about 4 mi/hr!

See the fence posts sticking out of the water?

The Mississippi...

This train trip was the most amazing thing...we were in our own little bubble, feeling very relaxed, wine in the evenings, good food...feeling very far away from everyday life. We rarely read, didn't play the word game I had, didn't work on my knitting, rarely talked on the cell phones...we just talked to each other and looked out the window, watched the world go by. The porter on our car was wonderful, brought champagne for everyone the first night, gave us extra pillows and blankets...there were fresh towels in the shower room and complementary soap and shampoo...the food was very good and the waiters and waitresses were very friendly and funny. We sat at tables with other passengers and met some interesting people. I would do this again in a heartbeat!
I don't know what this river is but it is in Montana--the rivers were raging!
More tomorrow!!