Friday, December 10, 2010

Unexpected Friendships!

I got a gift in the mail this morning. Should have gotten it yesterday but I never got the mail out of the box because I had to go to Gary's Christmas party for work. The story is that I sold a neck cuff and a scarf on Etsy and mailed out the wrong neck cuff. I sent an apology along with a return envelope and when my gracious customer sent it back to me she included these lovely earrings by . Just wanted everyone to know that the Christmas spirit is alive and well in Etsyland and Shea is the best customer! I was moved to tears by her unexpected generosity...

Nice too because tomorrow is the anniversary for my diagnosis and I'm a little freaked out by this. Trying not to dwell on it too much but to have a year already gone is, well, scary. But all I can do is keep on going. And my sister, Faith, said yes to our driving across country adventure next I have long-term plans and lots of weaving ideas for this winter! Now off to vacuum and put up some Christmas decorations and get that package for Adam and Alicia ready for the mail and package up cookies for gifts! Oh yeah, and wrap the presents I've already bought for the guys...I really do love Christmas...but can I just have a cleaning service??? Would that be TOO MUCH to ask???


  1. Love the earrings, love the *love*. You see, it really is a village. And I am SO excited for your trip next July, isn't that silly? I sure hope you're (taking us along) taking pics!!!

  2. Love your unexpected gift. There's nothing like the unexpected kindness of a stranger to make you feel like good things can happen. :-)

    I'd like a cleaning service too, but all year round... cleaning just takes too much time from the interesting stuff...

    Good luck tomorrow and have a lovely pre-Christmas time. xoxo

  3. that kindness: always pass it on. i try....fall short too often.

  4. Hi Karen! YES I will take you along this summer across the country! YAY!
    Sybille, so good to "see" you! I love your work--romantic, haunting, fascinating!!!
    Velma, YES to passing on the kindness! I try to do that by letting cars out of side roads (or IN) and then maybe they will pass that on! Civility is important! And this kindness was so sweet...

  5. Those are so pretty, too!


    P.S. I wear your cuff, and the strand of yarn you tied my cuff with in my hair, all the time!!!
