Sunday, February 12, 2017

Stool Painting

Took a fun painting class with my riding instructor, Nancey, and her daughter, Emma...Took us two days and gallons (kidding) of paint over in Nancey's studio.  Taught by another dear friend, Melanie of Cat House Designs.  We stenciled a butterfly, drew squiggly lines, and used up all her paint. 
 Emma, me, Nancey

 My stool

 Melanie's stool

 Nancey's stool

 Far right is Emma's stool

Had an old stool from Ames (which has been out of business for years)...ugly, pale stool.  Sprayed it black and had a ball!  Livens up my kitchen especially with a big plant on top.

Just beginning to snow today.  Great day to weave!

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