Saturday, November 14, 2009

My Model Weaving for the First Time!!

Here is my wonderful model, Katie, weaving for the first time!! I put on some black rayon chenille with subtle streaks of blue, fuchia, and purple for four scarves and helped her get the hang of the weaving!! She did beautifully--not one broken thread!!! -- and I think her mother will be very happy this Christmas! Katie has been so helpful to me, coming over when I need her, riding Duke when I ask her, and all for free!! I can't thank her enough for helping to make my first year on Etsy a success!!! It's too bad you can't feel this scarf because it is soooooo soft and black is sooooo hard to photograph!! :)
Have a wonderful weekend! xo


  1. If I lived closer I'd take lessons from you. I've always wanted to learn how to weave. Katie's scarf is beautiful!

  2. Wow, lovely scarf. Love the black witht he subtle colour inserts.

    Wish I lived closer too... We'd have fun. LOL

  3. Yes to both of you!!! We should start a commune of artists or at least a summer camp!! :) Then we could all learn from each other!! WOW, that would be amazing!! xo Cait

  4. What a great day this seems to have been! Lucky for you that you have such a fantastic model, and horse-rider!, and lucky for her that she had such a nice treat, and for her mom too who'll get the gorgeous scarf!

    And that summer camp idea... sounds like a keeper to me! What fun!

  5. Thanks Xanna and Rebecca!!! I have a huge barn we could turn into a studio but sadly no one lives around here!!! However I find all of you very inspirational!!! xo
